2016 Peugeot 2008

This fairly new Peugeot 2008 came in to our workshop with a charging problem.

Voltage across the battery was measured at 12.3volts when it should be more like 14.5volts. The wiring was checked, the positive lead was load tested and found to be ok, as was the earth. This is a smart Alternator and is controlled via a Lin signal from the engine ecu, this was tested and found to be good.

At this point most garages would have fitted a new Alternator, not cheap on theses cars, only to find the problem persists. We go further to prove a fault.

We have equipment that we can plug into the Alternator to simulate the control signals from engine ecu to the Alternator.

When we did this, the Alternator worked perfectly.

So, if the wiring is good and the Alternator is good what could the fault be?

Through experience we knew that some cars especially Peugeot can need a update on the software in the engine ecu.

Using the official dealer tool we can safely update control units without doing costly damage.

With the update completed the car was checked again. The charging checked and showed 14.4volts, perfect!

The customer was happy to avoid unwanted expense in the fitment of unneeded parts and went away happy!


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