C4 Cactus battery going flat

2015 Citroen Battery going flat even after journey. Tested at another garage and told it has a discharge, so brought to us.

We performed our tests and found the fault to actually be a non charging fault. The Alternator and wiring were both tested and proved to be good.

As with all PSA group cars this fault can be related to a software issue. With our PSA dealer tool and battery support unit on the vehicle we can scan the car and see if any software updates were available, which there were.

A battery support unit is essential for programming to maintain battery voltage during the procedure.

With the download complete the car started charging fine. The customer also stated that the running of the car was much smoother since update.

Another happy customer.


Constantin said:

October 8, 2022 at 8:14 pm

Hi. I have a citroen cactus c4 2015 I change the battery and after I replaced the alternator. It was fine until next when the battery went flat. From the garage they also said maybe need a software update. They charge the battery it is starting OK now but I don’t know for how long.

Neil Whiston said:

October 8, 2022 at 9:01 pm

It certainly could need the ecu updated. We would need to run some tests to confirm

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